History of NIRIS and its evolutions

The Smart Citizen Service Platform

How have we arrived at this point?

Current events

Currently, APSL, a Nagarro company, offers municipalities a customized implementation of NIRIS, tailored to their specific needs, as well as consulting on how to transfer their own processes and services.

2024: Now we're Nagarro

Since 2024, APSL, a Nagarro company, has been working with the Concello de A Coruña on the evolutionary, corrective, adaptive, preventive maintenance, support, and training of the IRIS2 platform

2022: IRIS in the A Coruña City Council

In 2022, the Coruña City Council implemented IRIS2 to improve the efficiency of request management.

2021: IRIS in the Barcelona City Council

Starting in February 2021, IRIS2 began serving the city, resulting in a drastic reduction in response times for requests.

2018: IRIS 2.0

Given the need to enhance efficiency in task management and allocation, development of IRIS2 began in 2018, renewing technology and incorporating knowledge gained from 10 years of experience with IRIS

2008: The first version of IRIS

Barcelona City Council develops an initial version of the citizen service platform IRIS, which will be operational and evolving for 10 years.